
WARNING: The obnam project was retired in 2017!

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This documentation is for reference use only, please use another backup solution instead.
Hint: Many users have migrated to restic.

Backing up

This chapter discusses the various aspects of making backups with Obnam.

Your first backup

Let's make a backup! To walk through the examples in this directory, you need to have some live data to backup. The examples use specific filenames for this. You'll need to adapt the examples to your own files. The examples assume your home directory is /home/tomjon, and that you have a directory called Documents in your home directory for your documents. Further, it assumes you have a USB drive mounted at /media/backups, and that you will be using a directory tomjon-repo on that drive as the backup repository.

With those assumptions, here's how you would backup your documents:

obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents

That's all. It will take a little while, if you have a lot of documents, but eventually it'll look something like this:

Backed up 11 files (of 11 found),
uploaded 97.7 KiB in 0s at 647.2 KiB/s average speed

(In reality, the above text will be all on one line, but that didn't fit in this manual's line width.)

This tells you that Obnam found a total of eleven files, of which it backed up all eleven. The files contained a total of about a hundred kilobytes of data, and that the upload speed for that data was over six hundred kilobytes per second. The actual units are using IEC prefixes, which are base-2, to avoid ambiguity. See Wikipedia on kibibytes for more information.

Your first backup run should probably be quite small to see that all settings are right without having to wait a long time. You may want to choose a small directory to start with, instead of your entire home directory.

Your second backup

Once you've run your first backup, you'll want to run a second one. It's done the same way:

obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents

Note that you don't need to tell Obnam whether you want a full backup or an incremental backup. Obnam makes each backup generation be a snapshot of the data at the time of the backup, and doesn't make a difference between full and incremental backups. Each backup generation is equal to each other backup generation. This doesn't mean that each generation will store all the data separately. Obnam makes sure each new generation only backs up data that isn't already in the repository. Obnam finds that data in any file in any previous generation, amongst all the clients sharing the same repository.

We'll later cover how to remove backup generations, and you'll learn that Obnam can remove any generation, even if it shares some of the data with other generations, without those other generations losing any data.

After you've your second backup generation, you'll want to see the generations you have:

$ obnam generations -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo
2   2014-02-05 23:13:50 .. 2014-02-05 23:13:50 (14 files, 100000 bytes) 
5   2014-02-05 23:42:08 .. 2014-02-05 23:42:08 (14 files, 100000 bytes)

This lists two generations, which have the identifiers 2 and 5. Note that generation identifiers are not necessarily a simple sequence like 1, 2, 3. This is due to how some of the internal data structures of Obnam are implemented, and not because its author in any way thinks it's fun to confuse people.

The two time stamps for each generation are when the backup run started and when it ended. In addition, for each generation is a count of files in that generation (total, not just new or changed files), and the total number of bytes of file content data they have.

Choosing what to backup, and what not to backup

Obnam needs to be told what to back up, by giving it a list of directories, known as backup roots. In the examples in this chapter so far, we've used the directory ~/Documents (that is, the directory Documents in your home directory) as the backup root. There can be multiple backup roots:

obnam -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~/Documents ~/Photos

Everything in the backup root directories gets backed up -- unless it's explicitly excluded. There are several ways to exclude things from backups:

In general it is better to back up too much rather than too little. You should also make sure you know what is and isn't backed up. The --pretend option tells Obnam to run a backup, except it doesn't change anything in the backup repository, so it's quite fast. This way you can see what would be backed up, and tweak exclusions as needed.

Storing backups remotely

You probably want to store at least one backup remotely, or "off site". Obnam can make backups over a network, using the SFTP protocol (part of SSH). You need the following to achieve this:

Obnam only uses the SFTP part of the SSH connection to access the server. To test whether it will work, you can run this command:


Change USER@SERVER to be your actual user and address for your server. This should say something like Connected to localhost. and you should be able to run the ls -la command to see a directory list of files on the remote side.

Once all of that is set up correctly, to get Obnam to use the server as a backup repository, you only need to give an SFTP URL:

obnam -r sftp://USER@SERVER/~/my-precious-backups

For details on SFTP URLs, see the next section.

URL syntax

Whenever obnam accepts a URL, it can be either a local pathname, or an SFTP URL. An SFTP URL has the following form:


where domain is a normal Internet domain name for a server, user is your username on that server, port is an optional numeric port number, and path is a pathname on the server side. Like bzr(1), but unlike the SFTP URL standard, the pathname is absolute, unless it starts with /~/ in which case it is relative to the user's home directory on the server.


You can use SFTP URLs for the repository, or the live data (--root), but note that due to limitations in the protocol, and its implementation in the paramiko library, some things will not work very well for accessing live data over SFTP. Most importantly, the handling of of hardlinks is rather suboptimal. For live data access, you should not end the URL with /~/ and should append a dot at the end in this special case.

Pull backups

Obnam can also access the live data over SFTP, instead of via the local filesystem. This means you can run Obnam on, say, your desktop machine to backup your server, or on your laptop to backup your phone (assuming you can get an SSH server installed on your phone). Sometimes it is not possible to install Obnam on the machine where the live data resides, and then it is useful to do a pull backup instead: you run Obnam on a different machine, and read the live data over the SFTP protocol.

To do this, you specify the live data location (the root setting, or as a command line argument to obnam backup) using an SFTP URL. You should also set the client name explicitly. Otherwise Obnam will use the hostname of the machine on which it runs as the name, and this can be highly confusing: the client name is my-laptop and the server is down-with-clowns and Obnam will store the backups as if the data belongs to my-laptop.

It gets worse if you backup your laptop as well to the same backup repository. Then Obnam will store both the server and the laptop backups using the same client name, resulting in much confusion to everyone.


obnam backup -r /mnt/backups sftp://server.example.com/home \

Configuration files: a quick intro

By this time you may have noticed that Obnam has a number of configurable settings you can tweak in a number of ways. Doing it on the command line is always possible, but then you get quite long command lines. You can also put them into a configuration file.

Every command line option Obnam knows can be set in a configuration file. Later in this manual there is a whole chapter that covers all the details of configuration files, and all the various settings you can use. For now, we'll give a quick introduction.

An Obnam configuration looks like this:

repository = /media/backup/tomjon-repo
root = /home/liw/Documents, /home/liw/Photos
exclude = \.mp3$
exclude-caches = yes
one-file-system = no

This form of configuration file is commonly known as an "INI file", from Microsoft Windows .INI files. All the Obnam settings go into a section titles [config], and each setting has the same name as the command line option, but without the double dash prefix. Thus, it's --exclude on the command line and exclude in the configuration file.

Some settings can have multiple values, such as exclude and root. The values are comma separated. If there's a lot of values, you can split them on multiple lines, where the second and later lines are indented by space or TAB characters.

That should get you started, and you can reference the "Obnam configuration files and settings" chapter for all the details.

When your precious data is very large

When your precious data is very large, the first backup may a very long time. Ditto, if you get a lot of new precious data for a later backup. In these cases, you may need to be very patient, and just let the backup take its time, or you may choose to start small and add to the backups a bit at a time.

The patient option is easy: you tell Obnam to backup everything, set it running, and wait until it's done, even if it takes hours or days. If the backup terminates prematurely, e.g., because of a network link going down, you won't have to start from scratch thanks to Obnam's checkpoint support. Every gigabyte or so (by default) Obnam stops a backup run to create a checkpoint generation. If the backup later crashes, you can just re-run Obnam and it will pick up from the latest checkpoint. This is all fully automatic, you don't need to do anything for it to happen. See the --checkpoint setting for choosing how often the checkpoints should happen.

Note that if Obnam doesn't get to finish, and you have to re-start it, the scanning starts over from the beginning. The checkpoint generation does not contain enough state for Obnam to continue scanning from the latest file in the checkpoint: it'd be very complicated state, and easily invalidated by filesystem changes. Instead, Obnam scans all files, but most files will hopefully not have changed since the checkpoint was made, so the scanning should be relatively fast.

The only problem with the patient option is that your most precious data doesn't get backed up while all your large, but less precious data is being backed up. For example, you may have a large amount of downloaded videos of conference presentations, which are nice, but not hugely important. While those get backed up, your own documents do not get backed up.

You can work around this by initially excluding everything except the most precious data. When that is backed up, you gradually reduce the excludes, re-running the backup, until you've backed up everything. As an example, your first backup might have the following configuration:

obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
    --exclude ~/Downloads

This would exclude all downloaded files. The next backup run might exclude only video files:

obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
    --exclude ~/Downloads/'.*\.mp4$'

After this, you might reduce excludes to allow a few videos, such as those whose name starts with a specific letter:

obnam backup -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo ~ \
    --exclude ~/Downloads/'[^b-zB-Z].*\.mp4$'

Continue allowing more and more videos until they've all been backed up.


Obnam de-duplicates the data it backs up, across all files in all generations for all clients sharing the repository. It does this by breaking up all file data into bits called chunks. Every time Obnam reads a file and gets a chunk together, it looks into the backup repository to see if an identical chunk already exists. If it does, Obnam doesn't need to upload the chunk, saving space, bandwidth, and time.

De-duplication in Obnam is useful in several situations:

De-duplication in Obnam isn't perfect. The granularity of finding duplicate data is quite coarse (see the --chunk-size setting), and so Obnam often doesn't find duplication when it exists, when the changes are small.

De-duplication isn't useful in the following scenarios:

A future version of Obnam will hopefully improve the de-duplication algorithms. If you see this optimistic paragraph in a version of Obnam released in 2017 or later, please notify the maintainers. Thank you.

De-duplication and safety against checksum collisions

This is a bit of a scary topic, but it would be dishonest to not discuss it at all. Feel free to come back to this section later.

Obnam uses the MD5 checksum algorithm for recognising duplicate data chunks. MD5 has a reputation for being unsafe: people have constructed files that are different, but result in the same MD5 checksum. This is true. MD5 is not considered safe for security critical applications.

Every checksum algorithm can have collisions. Changing Obnam to use, say, SHA1, SHA2, or the as new SHA3 algorithm would not remove the chance of collisions. It would reduce the chance of accidental collisions, but the chance of those is already so small with MD5 that it can be disregarded. Or put in another way, if you care about the chance of accidental MD5 collisions, you should be caring about accidental SHA1, SHA2, or SHA3 collisions as well.

Apart from accidental collisions, there are two cases where you should worry about checksum collisions (regardless of algorithm).

First, if you have an enemy who wishes to corrupt your backed up data, they may replace some of the backed up data with other data that has the same checksum. This way, when you restore, your data is corrupted without Obnam noticing.

Second, if you're into researching checksum collisions, you're likely to have files that cause checksum collisions, and in that case, if you restore after a catastrophe, you probably want to get the files back intact, rather having Obnam confuse one with the other.

To deal with these situations, Obnam has three de-duplication modes, set using the --deduplicate setting:

There is, unfortunately, no way to get both de-duplication that is invulnerable to checksum collision and is fast even when accessing the backup repository is slow. The only way to be invulnerable is to compare the data, and if downloading the data from the repository is slow, then the comparison will take significant time.


Multiple clients can share a repository, and to prevent them from trampling on each other, they lock parts of the repository while working. The "Sharing a repository between multiple clients" chapter will discuss this in more detail.

If Obnam terminates abruptly, even if there's only one client ever using the repository, the lock may stay around and prevent that one client for making new backups. The termination may be due to the network connection breaking, or due to a bug in Obnam. It can also happen if Obnam is interrupted by the user before it's finished.

The Obnam command force-lock deals with this situation. It is dangerous, though. If you force open a lock that is in active use by any running Obnam instance, on any client machine using that repository, there will likely to be some stepping of toes. The result may, in extreme cases, even result in repository corruption. So be careful.

If you've decided you can safely do it, this is an example of how to do it:

obnam -r /media/backups/tomjon-repo force-lock

It is not currently possibly to only break locks related to one client.

Consistency of live data

Making a backup can take a good while. While the backup is running, the filesystem may change. This leads to the snapshot of data Obnam presents as a backup generation being internally inconsistent. For example, before a backup you might have two files, A and B, which need to be kept in sync. You run a backup, and while it's happening, you change A, and then B. However, you're unlucky, and Obnam manages to backup A before you save your changes, and B after you save changes to that. The backup generation now has versions of A and B that are not synchronised. This is bad.

This can be dealt with in various ways, depending on the circumstances. Here's a few:

Note that filesystem level snapshots can't really guarantee a consistent view of the live data. An application may be in the middle of writing a file, or set of files, when the snapshot is being made. To some extent this indicates an application bug, but knowing that doesn't let you sleep better.

Usually, though, most systems have enough idle time that a consistent backup snapshot can happen during that time. For a laptop, for example, a backup can be run while the user is elsewhere, instead of actively using the machine.

Part of your backup verification suite should check that the data in a backup generation is internally consistent, if that can be done. Otherwise, you'll either have to analyse the applications you use, or trust they're not too buggy.

If you didn't understand this section, don't worry and be happy and sleep well.